Saturday 13 September 2008

Dealing With Racism

So how do I personally deal with racism...
It makes me angry but what can I do about it. I'm not going to result to violence that's for sure. I guess I've just put it down to a "normal" way of life in the UK. I realise that I will probably have to manage racism on a regular basis for the rest of my life. I am mindful that some people don't even realise they are being racist, for them it happens on a sub conscious level sometimes caused by their fear, suspicion, lack of education or knowledge. For me, this blog is one way of dealing with racism in a positive way, I guess I'm trying to turn a negative into a positive by sharing my experiences and inviting others to do the same. Even after all that has happened to me, I always try to keep a positive outlook. There's no point worrying about things that are outside your control.

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